Fred Fedderson of FJ Fedderson likes to talk about his fine product. He loves to tell how awesome the barrels he makes for 10/22 rifles are. Fred will quickly tell you of how his barrels are extremely accurate while showing you a target that was shot from a distance. If you are lucky enough to meet Fred Fedderson he will teach you how to quickly and efficiently shoot the target with the sights he mounts on his barrels. He doesn't however tell you some of the proprietary secrets that make his barrels the best, Nor should he. I have bought several of FJ Fedderson Barrels, and you notice, I said Fred TALKS about his barrels, he doesn't brag about his products..... It isn't bragging if you can do it. FRED DOES IT AND DOES IT WELL. FJ Fedderson 10/22 are TACK DRIVERS with every brand of ammunition I have pushed thru them. Attached is a photo of a Marine shooting the Appleseed Project with a Fedderson 10/22 bull barrel threaded with an SWR Spectre 2 Suppressor attached. 248 out of 250 possible.
Good job Fred
See you at SHOT 2016
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