I run into some strange ducks at gun-shows, and even stranger ones on the Internet. The worst by far are know-it-alls that find out something they did not previously know. They quickly apply the, "I know it all, I did not know this, so therefore this (insert whatever factual concept) cannot be true!" These no talent ass-clowns are as annoying as cockle-burrs in a jockstrap.
I enjoy shooting firearms, maybe too much if that is possible. I also enjoy learning. I have yet to teach a class that I myself do not learn something new. I love to glean information that expands my knowledge. I try to learn something from everyone I meet. Some teach me how to shoot, others teach me how to react to certain situations. Still others teach me how not to be.
Sometimes some of the biggest anti-gun people are actually gun-owners. They are the discouragers that make up 1%. They concentrate on what you cannot do rather than what you can do. These people try to ignore the facts that Illinois citizens can get a Florida Concealed Weapons permit. They argue that the permit is no good in Illinois. My reply to that has always been, "You cannot consummate a marriage at the altar, but that did not stop you from getting married there."
If you are one of these discouraging "know it alls" shut up until you have time to smarten up. Start being a winner instead of a whiner. Then again they are not reading this...afraid they might learn something.
To all you good gun owners out there keep up the shooting and recruiting. If we do not encourage others into our sport then firearm use is doomed.
Preach it! I hate it when these guys show up to a match flaunting their "knowledge". (One in particular comes to mind) I try to avoid squading with them if at all possible. You would think they would finish much higher. Honestly, there have been a few times I was suprised there wasn't an "accident" with no witnesses.
Posted by: Leadchucker | July 26, 2008 at 05:10 PM